Monday, July 20, 2009

Final Thoughts

This class has been a great experience for me, not just as a student but as a future educator. Technology is a great resource to bring into the classroom as it is constantly changing. Students love technology as seen in the texting blog and a great way to get students excited about school again is to bring in more fun, new technology that also educates. I loved learning about access and alex as they will be great resources to me when I start my career. Podcasting was very fun. I didn't know it was so easy and now it allows me an option when my students need an extra resource. I also liked working in groups and getting to know my classmates. Overall, I feel that the class was extremely beneficial and it was also a blast.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


I listened to the podcast Using games as educational tools. I loved this podcast because it was somehting completely different that I had never thought of. All of the people's ideas flowed well together. The podcast created a interesting listen and was alos very educational in itself. I can't wait to hear my classmates version of this topic.
The other podcast that I listened to was Can Youtube be used as an educational tool? I liked the fact the members of this podcast were very knowledgeable on the subject. I chose this one because it is my topic and wanted to see how to proceed in making an effective, educational podcast about youtube. I found it very helpful.