Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I believe that this article is somewhat true. I have friends even in college who can text through a class without anyone knowing. Texting is a hinderance to education when students are doing it in class. Even if a student is not texting other people might be and that is a distraction in and of itself. I believe that graduation however is a different story. The students are finished and most of them are legal adults age 18 paying their own bill so taking away their phone is taking away their right. When a student is in class however they belong to the educational system which has a right to at least make them somewhat pay attention and not distract other students who want to learn. Texting is a growing obstacle in the classroom. However, some teachers have turned it into a positive learning strategy. For example, http://www.engadgetmobile.com/2006/10/13/australian-schools-to-make-texting-a-subject/

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